
Information metrices
The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) 

The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) are statistical tools used for model selection, crucial in various fields such as econometrics, time series analysis, and phylogenetics. Introduced by Hirotsugu Akaike in 1974, AIC is grounded in information theory and estimates the relative quality of statistical models by balancing goodness of fit and model complexity. Gideon Schwarz introduced BIC in 1978, based on Bayesian probability principles, which penalizes model complexity more stringently than AIC, making it more conservative in model selection. AIC and BIC are essential because they help prevent overfitting, a common issue in statistical modeling where a model performs well on training data but poorly on unseen data. AIC aims to find the model that best explains the data, while BIC seeks to identify the true model among the candidates. Their formulas are AIC=2k−2ln(L) and BIC=ln(n)k−2ln(L), where k is the number of parameters, L is the likelihood of the model, and n is the sample size. The differences in their penalty terms lead to varied model selection, especially as sample sizes grow. While AIC is generally preferred for predictive accuracy, particularly in small to moderate samples, BIC is favored for its consistency in identifying the true model in large samples. Their complementary nature often leads researchers to use both criteria concurrently to gain comprehensive insights into model quality. Despite their utility, each criterion has its limitations; AIC may overfit by selecting overly complex models, whereas BIC may underfit by favoring simpler models. AIC and BIC have become foundational in statistical analysis, prompting further developments like the corrected AIC (AICC) for small sample sizes and the Generalized Information Criterion (GIC). Their application across diverse fields underscores their importance in ensuring robust and reliable model selection, making them indispensable tools in the statistical toolbox.

Definitions and Foundations

Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)

The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is a mathematical method for evaluating how well a model fits the data it was generated from. Formulated by the Japanese statistician Hirotsugu Akaike, AIC is an estimator of prediction error and the relative quality of statistical models for a given set of data. The criterion provides a means for model selection by estimating the quality of each model relative to each of the other models. AIC was first announced in English by Akaike at a 1971 symposium, with the proceedings published in 1973. AIC is founded on information theory and is used to estimate the relative amount of information lost by a given model. The less information a model loses, the higher the quality of that model. AIC=2k−2ln(L) where k is the number of parameters in the model, and L is the maximum likelihood of the model. By penalizing models that use more parameters, AIC helps to avoid overfitting..

Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)

Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) The Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) is another widely used tool for model selection among a finite set of models. It is based on the likelihood function and closely related to AIC. The BIC was derived by Schwarz in 1978 as an asymptotic approximation to a transformation of the Bayesian posterior probability of a candidate model. The criterion's popularity stems from its computational simplicity and effective performance across various modeling frameworks, including Bayesian applications where prior distributions may be elusive. The formula for BIC is: BIC = ln(n)k - 2ln(L) where (n) is the number of data points, (k) is the number of parameters in the model, and (L) is the maximum likelihood of the model. BIC tends to penalize models with more parameters more strongly than AIC does, which can lead to different model selections, especially as the sample size increases.

Historical Background

Historical Background The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) was introduced by Hirotugu Akaike in 1974 as a method for evaluating the quality of statistical models based on information theory. AIC estimates the relative amount of information lost by a given model: the less information a model loses, the higher the quality of that model. It provides a means for model selection by comparing different models and estimating their relative quality. In 1989, Hurvich and Tsai extended the applicability of AIC with their development of the corrected AIC (AICC), which adjusts the original criterion to account for small sample sizes. This work expanded the situations in which AIC could be reliably used, leading to its widespread adoption in various fields. The Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), introduced by Gideon Schwarz in 1978, offers a different approach by incorporating Bayesian principles. BIC estimates the posterior probability of a model being true under a certain Bayesian setup, taking into account both the goodness of fit and a penalty for the number of parameters to control overfitting. It is used to provide a standardized method to balance between sensitivity (adequate modeling of relationships) and specificity (avoiding overfitting). AIC and BIC have since been fundamental tools in statistical model selection, with further variations such as the consistent AIC (CAIC) and the Generalized Information Criterion (GIC) being introduced to refine the approaches. These criteria continue to be vital in statistical analysis, each with its own strengths depending on the context of the model evaluation.

Mathematical Formulation

The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is an estimator of prediction error and thereby relative quality of statistical models for a given set of data. It provides a means for model selection by estimating the quality of each model, relative to each of the other models. AIC = 2k - 2ln(L) where (k) is the number of parameters estimated by the model and (L) is the maximum value of the likelihood function for the model. In comparison, the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) is used to compare estimated models and is derived from the marginal likelihood under certain assumptions. BIC = kln(n) - 2ln(L) where (n) is the sample size, and other terms are as previously defined. The BIC generally penalizes free parameters more strongly than the AIC, making it more conservative in model selection. The formula for the sample-size corrected AIC (AICc) is given by: AICc = AIC + {2k(k + 1)}/{n - k - 1}) This correction is applied to account for small sample sizes and includes both (k) and (k^2) terms, making AICc a second-order estimate of information loss, whereas AIC is a first-order estimate. For some models, determining the precise formula can be complex, necessitating specific derivations tailored to the model and prediction problem in question.

Theoretical Foundations

The Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) are both methods used for model selection, though they originate from different theoretical foundations and are suited for different tasks. AIC, introduced by Hirotugu Akaike in 1974, is rooted in information theory. It estimates the relative amount of information lost by a given model: the less information a model loses, the higher the quality of that model. AIC is fundamentally an estimator of prediction error and thus evaluates models based on their ability to predict future data rather than fitting the current data. This criterion deals with the trade-off between the goodness of fit of the model and the simplicity of the model, addressing the risks of both overfitting and underfitting. AIC = 2k - 2ln(L) where (k) is the number of parameters in the model, and (L) is the maximized value of the likelihood function for the model. AIC can be justified in a Bayesian context with a prior on models that is a function of sample size and the number of model parameters. BIC, introduced by Gideon Schwarz in 1978, also known as the Schwarz Bayesian Criterion, incorporates Bayesian probability principles into model selection. It is derived from the Bayes factor and is aimed at selecting the model that is most likely to be true given the data. BIC = ln(n)k - 2ln(L) where (n) is the number of observations, (k) is the number of parameters, and (L) is the maximized value of the likelihood function. BIC tends to favor simpler models compared to AIC, particularly as the sample size increases. This is because the penalty term for BIC (ln(n)k) grows with the number of observations, thus discouraging overfitting more strongly than AIC. In practice, the choice between AIC and BIC depends on the specific context and objectives of the analysis. AIC is generally preferred for prediction-focused model selection, while BIC is often favored when the goal is to identify the true model among the candidate models. Some researchers suggest that AIC and BIC are appropriate for different tasks, with BIC being more suitable for selecting the "true model" and AIC for model prediction.

Comparative Analysis

The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) are two widely used measures for model selection in statistical practice. Both criteria aim to balance model fit with model complexity by introducing a penalty term to avoid overfitting, but they do so in slightly different ways. AIC is designed to find the model that best explains the data with a penalty for adding extra parameters. The penalty term for AIC is a constant factor of 2 for each parameter added to the model. In contrast, BIC penalizes model complexity more stringently, with the penalty term being a function of the natural logarithm of the sample size, i.e., ln(n). One critical difference between AIC and BIC lies in their asymptotic properties. BIC is consistent, meaning it will select the true model as the sample size grows, provided the true model is among the candidate models considered. AIC does not have this consistency property; instead, it focuses on prediction accuracy and tends to select more complex models, which might not be the true model but offer better predictive performance. In practice, both AIC and BIC are often used concurrently because they provide complementary information. AIC is generally preferred when the primary goal is prediction and when the sample size is small to moderate, whereas BIC is favored for large sample sizes and when the goal is to identify the true model among the candidates. Simulation studies and real-data analyses have shown the practical usefulness of these criteria. By switching between AIC and BIC based on the predictive interval (PI), it is possible to obtain regression estimators that are asymptotically efficient in both parametric and nonparametric scenarios. Additionally, each criterion's penalty term helps ensure that the selected model maintains a balance between sensitivity and specificity, avoiding overfitting while capturing the essential relationships among variables. The theoretical foundations for these criteria are well-documented. For instance, the derivation of BIC from marginal likelihood is thoroughly discussed in Murphy's "Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective." Moreover, the general expositions by Burnham and Anderson (2002) provide a detailed comparison and demonstrate that AIC and AICc can also be derived within a Bayesian framework, similar to BIC, by using different prior probabilities.

Practical Applications

Time Series Analysis

AIC is particularly valuable in time series analysis because the most recent data is often the most valuable. Since this data is typically held back for validation and testing, using AIC can improve model selection by allowing training on all available data. This approach aids in selecting models that are better suited for predicting future observations based on historical data.


In phylogenetics, AIC and BIC are crucial tools for selecting models that best describe evolutionary relationships among species. By comparing different phylogenetic models using these criteria, researchers can identify models that provide the best fit to the observed genetic data while penalizing for complexity to avoid overfitting. This approach aids in constructing more accurate phylogenetic trees, which are essential for understanding evolutionary processes and biodiversity.


In econometrics, AIC and BIC are used to compare different regression models to determine which model provides the best balance between fit and complexity. For instance, the effect of each variable in a regression model can be evaluated using likelihood-ratio tests, and AIC and BIC can then be used to compare the fit among different models. This is particularly useful in financial econometrics, where selecting the most appropriate model can have significant implications for asset management and risk assessment.

Nonparametric Regression

AIC is beneficial in nonparametric regression, where the functional form of the relationship between the dependent variable and the regressor cannot be expressed in terms of finitely many unknown parameters. In such scenarios, AIC helps identify the best model for predicting future observations, while BIC is more useful for selecting a correct model. This distinction makes AIC and BIC complementary tools, depending on the specific requirements of the analysis.

Model Selection in Complex Datasets

In situations involving complex and nonconvex datasets, AIC and BIC are used alongside metaheuristic algorithms to navigate through potential models. These algorithms assist in minimizing BIC to avoid overfitting while addressing NP-hard problems, thereby facilitating the selection of robust models even in intricate datasets.

Statistical Model Comparison

Researchers often employ AIC and BIC to systematically investigate model performance in both simulation studies and real data scenarios. By switching between AIC and BIC based on predictive information, the resulting regression estimator can be asymptotically efficient for both parametric and nonparametric scenarios. This approach enhances the robustness of model selection processes across various research domains.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of AIC

The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) is founded in information theory and is primarily used to estimate the prediction error and relative quality of statistical models for a given set of data. It rewards goodness of fit as assessed by the likelihood function while incorporating a penalty for the number of estimated parameters. This balance helps prevent overfitting, as increasing the number of parameters typically improves fit but may not generalize well to new data. Additionally, AIC can be used to select between additive and multiplicative models, such as the Holt-Winters models. AIC's practical advantages are supported by simulation studies, suggesting that it often performs better in practice compared to other criteria. It is particularly beneficial for estimating the relative quality of various models, making it a valuable tool in model selection across different domains.

Disadvantages of AIC

One major limitation of AIC is that it may not be suitable for identifying the "true model" among a set of candidate models. Instead, it estimates the relative quality without necessarily pinpointing the actual process that generated the data. Furthermore, AIC tends to be less parsimonious, potentially selecting models with more parameters than necessary.

Advantages of BIC

The Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC), on the other hand, is based on Bayesian probability and estimates a function of the posterior probability of a model being true. BIC is often preferred in contexts where model parsimony is crucial because it imposes a larger penalty for the number of parameters, thus favoring simpler models. This characteristic makes BIC more effective for identifying the "true model" from the candidate models, especially when the sample size is large. .

Disadvantages of BIC

However, the larger penalty imposed by BIC can sometimes lead to underfitting, where the selected model may be too simple to adequately capture the underlying data structure. Additionally, while BIC is beneficial for model selection when the true model is among the candidates, it might not be as effective in predictive performance compared to AIC.

Practical Considerations

In practice, both AIC and BIC should ideally be used concurrently to leverage their respective strengths and compensate for their weaknesses. This combined approach can provide a more comprehensive evaluation of model quality and selection, aiding researchers and data scientists in making informed decisions.

Case Studies and Examples


In phylogenetics, both AIC and BIC are essential tools for model selection, especially when dealing with evolutionary models. The accuracy and performance of these criteria have been tested using simulation approaches, showing that while AIC minimizes useful risk functions in complex scenarios, BIC is consistent in selecting the true model when it is among the candidate models. Phylogeneticists often rely on these criteria to discern the best models for estimating ancestral states and other evolutionary parameters.

Nonparametric Regression

In the context of nonparametric regression, where the relationship between the dependent variable and the regressors cannot be described by a finite number of parameters, AIC proves to be particularly useful. It helps in finding the best predictive model among the candidates. Conversely, BIC is more adept at identifying the correct model from a set of finite models, making it a valuable tool in scenarios where the model complexity is not exceedingly high.

Clinical Settings

In clinical settings, AIC and BIC are employed to ensure evidence-based practices. Managers and professionals in health and social care are required to implement these methods, despite generally lacking training in their application. Tools like AIC and BIC help in evaluating the effectiveness of interventions, such as the Building Implementation Capacity (BIC) intervention, which targets teams of professionals, including their managers, to foster evidence-based practices.

Statistical Hypothesis Testing

AIC can replicate every statistical hypothesis test by comparing statistical models. For instance, when two models are compared by maximizing their likelihood functions, AIC helps determine the relative likelihood of each model. If one model is significantly less likely than the other, it is omitted from further consideration, allowing for a more accurate conclusion about the underlying data distributions.

Model Selection Criteria in Different Fields

AIC can replicate every statistical hypothesis test by comparing statistical models. For instance, when two models are compared by maximizing their likelihood functions, AIC helps determine the relative likelihood of each model. If one model is significantly less likely than the other, it is omitted from further consideration, allowing for a more accurate conclusion about the underlying data distributions.